Thursday, August 10, 2017

Best Practices for Software Testing

  • Quality is Never ending process and all team member(Dev & QA) is responsible for maintaining Quality.
  • Reproduce the issue before verifying.
  • Always Keep Acceptance criteria or Definition of Done – clear and simple.
  • Communicate freely with all stake holders- using kick off call/ pre-release meeting / demo.
  • Track the quality using Metrics (or data points) and share the same with all stakeholders.
  • Any activity which is not a value add to customer should be eliminated.
  • Plan to execute but don’t over plan ( plan only to avoid/ handle risks ).
  • Enable QA members to maintain their own test environment.
  • Keep the QA resources fungible/ interchangeable.
  • Perform exploratory testing before planned testing.
  • Define deadlines and escalate the slippage/issues/concerns at earliest.
  • Never assume, always highlight the actual vs expected results differences.
  • Think like a User and always test the business aspect.
  • Any testing – repeatable, static, time consuming is best candidate for Automation.
  • Test and development environment ideally should be isolated.
  • Test planning, execution and defect life cycle to be combined as one.
  • Ensure every defect reported is reproducible and well documented.
  • Proper test evidence should be maintained and validated before QA sign-off.
  • QA sign-off should be detailed and self-explanatory.
  • Include Business readiness testing in your QA process.
  • Conduct retrospective meeting to learn from the mistakes or highlight achievements.
  • Always update your regression suite with functional cases post the QA cycle completion.
  • QA members to be trained on regular basis with latest testing technologies and method.

Thursday, July 27, 2017

SIPP scenario

SIPP XML/PCAP for SIP fuctional and compliance testing